The Attitude Of Aggression returns for Chapter 8 of The Big Four Project, a chronological analysis, review, and discussion about WWE’s Big Four PPVs/ Premium Live Events. In this chapter, Dave is again joined by the one and only PC Tunney, along with the returning DJ of the Mindless Wrestling Podcast, to discuss two more huge events in pro wrestling history, Summer Slam ’90 and Survivor Series ’90. After WrestleMania VI, The Ultimate Warrior had conquered Hulk Hogan to become the WWE Champion and the future seemed ultimate, to say the least. As history would show, however, that is not how things worked out. Here in Chapter 8, the guys delve very deeply, indeed, to examine the reign of The Ultimate Warrior and what went wrong. Why couldn’t the Warrior click with the fans, and Vince McMahon, like the man he vanquished to win the title? It is a fascinating question, and the conclusions might surprise you. Along the way, we also cover topics such as the debut of Kerry Von Erich in WWE, The Hart Foundation recapturing the WWE Tag Titles, the bitter feud between Hulk Hogan and Earthquake, the debut of The Undertaker, a forgettable debut of the GobbledyGooker, and one of the most unique, and pointless, matches in Survivor Series history. We have all that and much more here on Chapter 8 of The Big Four Project!